Sing Your Life, Speak Your Mind – 2016 Mini Festival Highlights


Our first partnership was with senior singers Bolder Voices, a facilitator and three professional musicians, at Kenbrook care home in Wembley. The project entailed listening to residents’ stories, creating original songs and a play.

The play was Sing Your Life- Speak Your Mind. Bolder was joined by other older actors. In the play they looked at life now as if they were age 22, 44, 66 and then at their own age.

The actors texted their way through the 20s and stressed their way through the 40s. They ached their way through the 60s from arthritis and marathons. Finally we heard about what they were up to now. The show looked at the pleasures as well as the pitfalls of life at every age. It was created by Clair from improvisations by the company and directed by Bob Karper.