Lockdown Lunch
At the beginning of that first uncertain, frightening Covid Lockdown in April 2020, Capital Age Arts’ Clair Chapwell was asked by Jacksons Lane to facilitate creative zoom workshops for older people. Out of the fear and isolation grew friendships and a strong, motivated group that developed over the years with the changing of the times. Here’s how it began:
Video by Radhika Jani
The group settled down to being primarily a writing group, gaining in confidence as the weeks went by. Clair gave participants a weekly theme which prompted astonishing work. Here are five podcasts of some of that work, with musical backing, often by group members.
More recently, we made a short film about where the project is now and what it has meant to those involved. We also have recorded some of the group reading some of their best bits- you should check it out on our Instagram (@capitalagearts)!
Though Lockdown lunch continues primarily on zoom- we do our best to get together both for picnics and for writing workshops. Above is one of the latter, and you’ll find Vicky reading her story to an enraptured audience! And below you’ll find Karen and Maggie deep into the former.
Lockdown Lunch Picnics…. It is almost hard to remember how important, exciting, even risky it felt to finally meet up in person— even to travel to a new-to-me place, Vicki’s lovely home, after the months of Lockdown. It was great to see old friends in 3D. All these people! I was surprised by some I’d grown fond of but only ever seen in little Zoom cells before. Hilary is so petite, Jim so tall! On the day I felt that such social skills as I ever had were well rusted, but it was great.
- Maggie
New exciting challenges
Allowed room for growth.
- Hilary